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St. John’s University of Tanzania library has been in practice since 2007. It is one of the major components of the University’s quest to becoming a Centre of excellence in teaching and learning. It is a designated university organ which houses physical and digital contents for academic and administrative purposes for which various university stakeholders can benefits together with an adequate reading area that is environmentally conducive for serious studies. The library collection covers major disciplines of Education; Pharmacy; Nursing; Business Administration; Natural and Applied Sciences; and Theology; Medical Laboratory Technology and Community Development.

The current sitting capacity of the Library is 400 users at a time and the size of the collection is about 60000 volumes. Students are encouraged to visit and use the Library as much as they can and they should see the Library as an important tool to bridge the gap between the lecture notes provided by lecturers and information resources contained in it.

Library Opening Hours

  • Monday – Friday: 08:30 -18:30 & 19:30 - 22:00
  • Tuesday: 10:00-11:00 Community Chapel
  • Friday: 12:00 - 14:00 Friday prayer
  • Saturday: 09:00- 14:00
  • Sunday & Holidays: Closed
  • Vacation: Monday- Friday 02:30-16:00 and Saturday Closed

The library offers different services to internal and external users. These services includes

Readers are provided services per their request. It is considered as a person to person service as users have different reference queries that a librarian should solve. The reference librarian interviews the reader to enable him/her to articulate the users query clearly.

The library staff ensures library users get services they need i.e. borrowing, renewing and returning of library resources in time.

This service allows users to access published information via internet. Our E-Library has 23 computers all connected to the internet for use.
The library purchases local Tanzanian daily and weekly newspapers for readers. These includes The Guardian, Daily News, Sunday News and Mwananchi.

Users are provided with password to access internet.
CAS- Current Awareness Service:
All newly acquired materials or publications are displayed for users to see and view.

Lending collection
It is a collection where library users can access information on the shelves without supervision of library staff. In this collection, books stored in the library’s open shelves for lending. The period for which books are lent out varies between students and members of staff

Special reserve collection
This section was established to ensure that text books in high demand are restricted for use in the Library only. Users are allowed to borrow books from this collection for internal reading only. No material is allowed to be taken out of the library.

Reference collection
Books in this section are for use in the library only. It covers information to be consulted rather than reading cover to cover, this includes encyclopedia, Dictionaries, Atlases etc.
The library offers recreational (i.e. Novels, Plays, Poetry etc.) materials as part of lending collection.

E-resources, Research 4life

HINARI –Access to Research in Health Programme
The program was launched in 2002 by World Health Organization. The main purpose was, and still is, to enable developing countries to access collections of Biomedical and Health literature including E-journals and E-books.

AGORA -Access to Global Online Research in Agriculture
It was launched in 2003 by the FAO (Food Agriculture Organization) in partnership with Cornell University. The provision of free or low cost access has led in development in agriculture and related biological, environmental and social science.

OARE -Online Access to Research in Environment
It was launched in 2006, to provide developing countries with free or low cost access per reviewed journals and books based on the environment.

ARDI -Access to Research for Development and Innovation
This programme was launched in 2009 to provide free online access to major scientific and technical journal to local institutions in developing countries across the world in order to encourage innovations and assist them in bridging the knowledge gap.

GOALI -Global Online Access to Legal Information
The programme was launched in Geneva in 2018 led by ILO and other major Universities in order to provide free or low cost online access to Legal research and training tools including academic legal journals, publications and data bases.

Director of Library Services and Information Management,
St John’s University of Tanzania,
P.O. Box 47,


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postalPostal Address
       P. O. Box 47 Dodoma

Useful Information
SJUT Almanac
SJUT Examination
SJUT Fee Structure 2024/2025
SJUT Prospectus 2024/2025
SJUT TimeTable - MainCampus
SJUT TimeTable - TownCentre
Postgraduate Regulations and Guidelines

Online Information System
Online Application System
Student Information Management System
Learning Management Information System
Library Management Information System
Jarida la Mnyampala
SJUT Institutional Repository
Useful Links
The Anglican Church of Tanzania
Tanzania Commission for Universities
Higher Education Students' Loans Board
National Council for Technical and Vocational Education and Training
National Examinations Council of Tanzania
Ministry of Education, Science and Technology