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The Faculty of Natural and Applied Sciences (FaNAS) offer a three-year degree programme initially leading to BSc Education. The main aim of the program is to produce graduates with knowledge and professional education skills in Science and Mathematics that will enable them teach science subjects i.e. Chemistry, Biology, Physics, and Mathematics. The program also aims at impacting skills to enable graduates to manage schools, to be involved in other administrative posts and to participate in research, consultancy and extension services in their relevant disciplines of specializations. Moreover, the program aimed to educate and train science teachers with excellent pedagogical skill, able to use a wide variety of active participatory teaching and learning methods, in order to raise the standards of science education in Tanzania.
The BSc Education programme covers six (6) semesters of fifteen (15) weeks each. A successful candidate in this programme will be required to complete between 122 and 126 units over the three years. Most courses are worth 3 units and involve 2 hours of lectures, and 1-hour seminar/tutorial per week.


  • To educate and train science teachers with excellent pedagogical skill, able to use a wide variety of active participatory teaching and learning methods, in order to raise the standards of science education in Tanzania.
  • To empower students to become high quality teachers with a strong ethical dimension to their professional lives and work.
  • To be able to apply modern teaching and learning techniques using modern equipment when it is available, but motivated and able to improvise and adapt to the realities of Tanzanian secondary schools when it is not available. This will result in creative pupils with good practical science skills.
  • To produce educational managers and leaders, able to raise the quality of secondary education through their commitment, leadership skills, and vision of the important place of science education in the development process, together with the necessary values, and to develop a spiritual and ethical dimension to the education they offer.
  • To provide life learners, able to update their knowledge and skills, and adapt to the rapid social, economic and technical changes that will occur in Tanzania over the next 50 years.
  • To develop teachers who are confident and able to use a wide range of practical techniques so that they feel comfortable doing practical work when teaching science to their pupils in schools.

At the end of the programme students will be able to do the following:

  • To teach in secondary schools and tertiary institutions
  • To work as educational administrators/officers
  • To work in educational research and consultation activities.

(a) Direct Entry Qualification
Two or more passes in Science subjects, one of which must be Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics or Physics with a pass of grade D or higher.
(b) Equivalent Qualification
An appropriate equivalent diploma from a recognized and accredited institution with an average pass of B or minimum GPA of 3.0

Each semester a student will be assessed from a cumulative coursework amounting to 50% and a university end-of-semester examination (UE), making another 50%. The coursework will include a total of not less than 2 assignments and two-timed tests in each course. The aggregate coursework and university examination will constitute his/her grade as per the SJUT grading system


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postalPostal Address
       P. O. Box 47 Dodoma

Useful Information
SJUT Almanac
SJUT Examination
SJUT Fee Structure 2024/2025
SJUT Prospectus 2024/2025
SJUT TimeTable
Postgraduate Regulations and Guidelines

Online Information System
Online Application System
Student Information Management System
Learning Management Information System
Library Management Information System
Jarida la Mnyampala
SJUT Institutional Repository
Useful Links
The Anglican Church of Tanzania
Tanzania Commission for Universities
Higher Education Students' Loans Board
National Council for Technical and Vocational Education and Training
National Examinations Council of Tanzania
Ministry of Education, Science and Technology