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Welcome to the Directorate of Quality Assurance of St John’s University of Tanzania. St John’s University of Tanzania (SJUT) is a Christian University of Global Standards Developing Mankind Holistically to Learn to Serve God and Society. Quality assurance at SJUT involves a number of internal and external processes to ensure that programs and courses are well designed and meet national and international standards. It also includes the monitoring and review of programs to ensure that their goals are being achieved and on-going improvements are being made.
The main objective of the Directorate of Quality Assurance is to promote higher level of standards in teaching, research and outreach services and to promote effective management of all awards of SJUT so that its graduates have sufficient capacity to competitively perform in a globally knowledge-based economy of the 21st century.


Dr. Upendo Paul Biswalo, PhD
PhD in Education (Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand)
Master of Education in Child Study (Smith College, Massachusetts, USA)
BA with Education (University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania)


Mr. Baraka David Mkanwa

Master of Business Administration in Human Resource Management (St John’s University of Tanzania)
Bachelor of Arts with Education (St John’s University of Tanzania)
Certificate of Education – Grade IIIA (Ilonga Teachers College, Morogoro -Tanzania)

In practice the main agenda of the Directorate of Quality Assurance includes but not limited to:

  • Enhance the understanding of Quality Assurance its values and its contribution towards
    the vision of the institution
  • Monitoring of adherence to set processes and procedures,
  • Monitoring adherence to set rules and regulations,
  • Promote the provision of environment conducive for teaching, learning, and research &
    community services of global standards,
  • Evidence based identification of priority areas for capacity building.
  • Advocacy of continuous learning of best practice from globally respected higher learning
    institutions in order to enhance the quality of the core functions of SJUT.

Excellence in these areas and others not mentioned here will enhance the University’s effectiveness in realizing the aims and objectives of the core functions of teaching and learning; research and innovation as well as outreach services.

The critical centers of Quality Assurance activities include all relevant units at SJUT. With this in mind capacity building of members of staff in the above mentioned areas is paramount in order to push the quality agenda of the core functions of the university to the next higher level.

With the above point in mind the Directorate of Quality Assurance organizes works shops/seminar to promote capacity building on priority areas. In order to identify the priority areas, self-assessment of programs and the institution is periodically conducted. This process concludes by inviting an internationally credible external peer review team to assess the credibility of the self-assessment report.

A meaningful self-assessment must always involve members of staff of the unit, students and other key stakeholders like the Tanzania Commission for Universities and relevant professional bodies. As indicated above, this helps to identify evidence based priority areas to be addressed in order to improve the core functions of the university.

In its efforts to enhance capacity building in priority areas the Directorate of Quality Assurance working closely with the Office of the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academics) engages experts (internal or external) on behalf of SJUT so that the various units benefit from the areas of specialization of the experts. This is extremely important when units are striving to continuously improve the quality of the core functions of St John’s University of Tanzania.


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postalPostal Address
       P. O. Box 47 Dodoma

Useful Information
SJUT Almanac
SJUT Examination
SJUT Fee Structure 2024/2025
SJUT Prospectus 2024/2025
SJUT TimeTable - MainCampus
SJUT TimeTable - TownCentre
Postgraduate Regulations and Guidelines

Online Information System
Online Application System
Student Information Management System
Learning Management Information System
Library Management Information System
Jarida la Mnyampala
SJUT Institutional Repository
Useful Links
The Anglican Church of Tanzania
Tanzania Commission for Universities
Higher Education Students' Loans Board
National Council for Technical and Vocational Education and Training
National Examinations Council of Tanzania
Ministry of Education, Science and Technology